Saturday, April 12, 2008

world domination

Through this blog i have been given the most subliminal power of all..the ability to manipulate minds, mind fucking. muaahahhahaa.
Anyway yea, One made the mistake of giving me access to his blog..and i shall abuse his trust brabisly haha nah im kidding dude, i am very trustworthy..seriously, i am.
I am also a compulsive liar heheh.

So yea, expect lil to non posts from me, because i am a very busy man..and also because i have no life. Btw One, dont forget to post about our special friend, the one we talked about just now, him and his talkative 'homie' hahaha

I will now contemplate on ways to take over the world (or atleast the readers of this blog) while i warm the toilet seat, with a copy of this months FHM in my hands.

Evilive - Merciless