Batriesyea Ayyanie, the name that si liau batah2 mikirkan utk bgi anaknya masa alum mliat dunia dlu.
the daughter of Liau Zaim, and of course his wife, nda ku tau namanya, wus born on 21st May 2007, if im not mistaken. a year ago, si liau went thru an unrestful heartbeat, waiting outside the operation room where 2 of his love's life is hanging on the line, and the joyyyy and smile when the doctor said both of em are safe. and the whole year he went thru, with the dodoikan anaknya, nda cukup tidur asal sja kan ke college pasal melayan anaknya, tukar pempas, bancuh susu, etc etc.
hehe now she has reached the 1st year of her life, and look how cute she is! hehe.
urg tgh menyanyi lagu Happy Bday utk ia, ia julur2 tia plg!.
buyuk durg ani eh, durg bleh mamam, aku nde bleh. kek ku jua ni!
oh crap, we're uncles! tuha rasa ku eh haha.
Slipknot - Vermilion.
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