Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just My luck

ok.. the good news

AKU ABIS ATTACHMENT SUDAAAAAAAHHH!!! hahah apakan. anyway, finally aku abis attachment, and abis blajarr.. hahaha im freeeeeeeeeeee! went back to school utk nguruskan surat branti.. tpaksa minta sign dri HOD dri department2 yg tertentu.. 

2 hari sudah ni balum tah siap2 nya.. biasa lah, paham2 saja.. krajaan brunei ani nyamuu.. TUANG TUANG TUANG!!!!! hahahaha. most of the HODs were nowhere to be found.. balum lgi abis waktu kraja, ilang sudah sorg2.. bila kn maju niiii ?? hahahhaha.

so now aku tengah menanam anggur di taman rashidah.. while waiting for the Graduation which will be held in April, di ICC.. wuish beKot kot ku niiii nanti! ragat ni.. BANARRRR!! :D

now, the bad news..

kerita ku.. mcm ada masalah dgn Gearbox.. drive mcm biasa bleh plg.. tpi udah kn blumba, which requires fast shifting, 2nd gear ku nda tia mau masuk.. rite now im still trying to find out the problem plg.. so for now, im stuck..


baie jua tu kannn.. ani kn time kapih.. ada masalah tiaa, nda plg beduit nahhh.. :(

oh btw, few weeks before this, I almost had an accident for the first time with this baby of mine.. it was morning, otw kraja atu bah nyanta.. the rain was so fuckin heavy..! barely see a thing man.. below 50m kli visible view.. skali baru jua ku kan speed up from 80kmh to 100kmh.. oh btw, tayar ku haus brabis d blakang, di dpn kn haus sudah.. anyway, i was on the right lane, down at Meragang Highway.. ada water water flowing flowing .. SWOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHH! everything was spinning!!! nada deh eksen ku :P my car mcm makin kekiri.. tpi dpn mcm kekanan.. panya i was drifted! drifted ke kiri.. towards the pagar yg dsiring ah.. atu ya payah ku control steering and minyak..! but luckily aku ada blajar sikit2 psl drifting.. naaahhh balik kraja atu tarus zooooomm ke kadai tayar ehhhh! bali tayarrrr hahahhaa.

Scars on Broadway - Funny